Bay Mills Township Board
14740 W. Lakeshore Drive
Brimley, MI 49715
Date of Meeting: Tuesday, December 14, 22021
Time of Meeting: 6:00 pm
Location of Meeting: Bay Mills Township Hall
Purpose of Meeting: This meeting was called to make a discuss and act upon the request for a Liquor License for Northshore Market owned by Keith Keenan in Bay Mills Township.
This notice is posted in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, Public Act 267 of 1976, as amended, (MCL 41.72a(2)(3)) and the Americans With Disabilities Act.
The Bay Mills Township Board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting or public hearing upon 5 days’ notice to the Bay Mills Township Board.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Bay Mills Township Board by writing or calling the following: Mary Swendsen, Township Clerk, 5030 S. Ranger Rd, Brimley, MI 49715 or call 906-322-0311